Number 1
If you’re going for your first time out on the water, you must have a partner or someone who has been out on the water before. Do not attempt to solo your first time. It is better to go with a group of people or someone who has the experience to get help if you are in trouble.
Number 2
You must have the right equipment. Look for a reputable, experienced shop in your area to purchase your equipment. They will not only be able to make sure you have the right kayak, buoyancy aids, and wet suits, but they can also offer advice and help on where to go kayaking.
Number 3
Learn the differences between river and sea kayaking. There are many types of kayaks on the market, each designed for specific water conditions. While sea kayaking is becoming more popular, some kayaks can be used for white water and river kayaking. There are also sit-on-top kayaks, sit-in kayaks, surf kayaks, racing or racing kayaks. If you’re unsure which type of kayak to choose, speak to an experienced kayaker.
Number 4
How to safely capsize your kayak
You will encounter a wave, rapid or fast current that can capsize your kayak at some point during your kayaking adventures. You can learn how to capsize and be ready for these situations safely. You can practice capsizing in calm waters with a friend or group.
Number 5
Personal accident insurance is a good option. Private accident insurance is a great way to protect your finances if you plan a long trip or kayaking in high currents.
Number 6:
Go exploring! Kayaking is a great way to discover new and exciting places. There are many places to explore, whether you’re paddling through rivers, canals, or the ocean. Pack a lunch and head to the shore with your sandwiches. You have a lot to see, and you can stay safe if you keep these tips in mind.
Number 7
Pay attention to the weather. Although it may seem obvious, I have often overlooked this one. Heavy rain and high winds can lead to very choppy water, increasing the risk of capsizing. You should be aware that fast currents can make it very dangerous.
Number 8
Be careful about where you choose to put your paddle. Do not just paddle into any stretch of water. There is usually a reason to kayak if it’s a gorgeous day on a bit of open water, and there aren’t other kayakers nearby. For advice on where to kayak, check online, join forums, or ask local retailers.
Number 9
Don’t underestimate yourself! Although kayaking may seem challenging to learn and to intimidate, to begin with, it is easy to learn the basics. These tips will help you have many memorable kayaking adventures.
Number 10
Get insurance for kayak equipment. Kayaking equipment is often very costly and can be put under tremendous stress. Kayaks can be cracked by rocks found in rivers, and kayaks can be swept into the shore by strong currents. Equipment can also be stolen. Harrison Beaumont Insurance offers specific kayaking insurance that covers your kayaking equipment as well as your personal effects like your smartphone, sat-nav, and digital camera. It costs only PS40 per year and is my top tip for all kayakers, whether beginners or experienced pros.